What is your name? What do you call yourself?
My name is Charmaine.
It means, a song or a songstress. Nice hey? My parents didn't know what it meant when they chose it for me, they just liked the sound of it!
What does your name mean to you? What do you call yourself?
It's meaning may not bear any special significance, but that's really not what I'm asking.
What do you call yourself?
I used to call myself many things. One of the most frequent was, stupid. I had a complex of feeling dumb. Anytime someone responded with an answer quicker than me, I thought it was because I wasn't smart enough.
Many other names I allowed myself to be called. Idiot. Failure. Ugly. That's just to name a few.
So, again I ask. Whats your name?
Are you called, Strength? Brave? Maybe, Powerful? Fearless? Unstoppable?
If any of those are your name, I commend you! More power to you! Bravo!
If you find that you've called yourself unspeakable things. Things that only you yourself will ever know... May I make a humble suggestion?
What about the name,
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine...
For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour;
I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are Precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
Isa 43:1-4
Awesome. I love this post. When naming my children I was very specific and interested in the meaning of the name because that is exactly what we and many others would be speaking into their lives and over them every day for the rest of their lives.
What is in a name you ask? Everything, life, health, healing, wholeness, the future and so much more.
Thanks for a great reminder. Will be reading other posts. Love the bulb post too.
"...you...are...MINE!" Wow!!
Great blog, Charmaine! I like this. It is good to know, or rather jut remind ourselves that God loves us.
omg my name is Charmaine and you posted on my birthday april 16. how AWESOME is that? i also LOVE to sing. wo0o0o0o0ot
My name is Kathlene Charmaine. I ran across this blog typing in my name up above different ways to try and think of a name that ryhmes with Charmaine. I have only heard that name a few times all my life, but now searching for words I have met 2 so far. My mom said she named me from a song and I just found the song. Nice to meet you. Kath' at dublshot@comcast.net
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