Monday, September 22, 2008

I only have 5...

If all I had was 5 loaves...and I had to feed 10,000. I wonder if I would try, or find it too hard and walk away? Today i feel like i couldn't. But then there are days when i feel like i could come up with something fantastic..nothing short of a miracle! Yet today i don't. So...obviously, i can't go by how I feel from day to day, seeing that it's so flimsy. Let's look then, at my talents. Hhhmmm. I can sing, write and perform. I've been on the road all my life. So i can tour for quite some time and not feel too home sick. Not bad i guess....but with thousands of musicians in this town, with talents that far exceed mine, i would want to pass the lot off to somebody else, 'better equipped'. My 5 loaves and responsibility to feed the masses, looks near impossible. Wait, it is impossible. My instinct is to give up, to say, someone else from afar can do it. There are other's that have performed amazing things, right? There are the Billy Graham's, the Switchfoot's, the Gandhi's, the C.S.Lewis's, the Corrie Ten Boom's, the Mother Teresa's, the powerful that have done more than i could ever dream! So why then, do i find myself here? Looking out to the multitude from the stage that I'm on, the lights don't hide what i see. The sight is overwhelming. I see faces that are longing, starving for something, anything. No one is looking at me but everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, is worn, tiered and hungry.. No, they're not looking at me, 'cause all that i have is 5 small loaves. They're looking past me, looking between the lines, the melodies, the music. Hoping for something more. Everyone came to see a show, bought tickets expecting for me to sing, to take them to a place where maybe they can forget the hunger pangs. But i only have 5 loaves. My talents aren't enough. Even if i could conjure up something substantial, i can't make whatever i have multiply. I find myself helpless. Everyone has they're moment. They're opportunity to share whatever it is that's of worth to them. And only life, with its brutal storms and unforgiving winds, will tell whether what we had to share was strong enough to withhold itself, or not. So the responsibility is great. I don't know why me of all people is here... but that's not important anymore. Because I'm here. All that matter's is who my source is. Whether it can stand up to this life or not. The world is full of people searching for substance. Something that will last longer than the 'something' before. And i am no different. I am searching also. But i can't escape The Miracle Worker. The one who calls Himself love. A love that answers the longing. I think that I'll bet on Him. I'll close my eyes, lift my hands and know that what i have, is expanding and turning into thousands. And maybe it isn't me....Maybe, just maybe, it is Him. Could it be that the lack of loaves, was and is... Irrelevant? I still find myself helpless, inadequate even...but maybe finally seeing that, is the key, to making it work.


Soul Reaper =^..^= said...

totally a trip sister. Your linguistics are quite unique, in the context that i don't consciously recognize and understand what exactly you are expressing from the words alone. But it ministered to me....about self-confidence being turned into God-confidence. That through our circumstances and callings in Christ, there are always moments that bring forth that one question that picks apart our confidence in our own abilities and who we think we are and what we are doing and truly brings us to a place of seeing the greater purpose of that which we do and the reality of our inadequacy in fulfilling that purpose; causing us to humble ourselves and allow our hearts and minds to fully rely in God and His ability to work through us. Therefore through that act of humbleness and humility, we decrease, that He may increase. Great blog. thanks

Daniel James said...

I think at some point everyone feels that they have only five loaves, and that they need to use them to feed the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm left with not but a single vanilla wafer.

I guess to me the important thing is to find out what God wants me to do with my wafer. Does he really want me to feed 10,000? Or does he want me to use my wafer to touch one life? It says in the Bible that when one person gives their life to God, all of heaven rejoices and they have an awesome fiesta. So I guess if my life (wafer) were meant to reach that one lost sheep then I would be more than happy with just that :)

The other important thing is having faith. Knowing that if His will is to feed the mass then He will provide. We as Christians already have incredibly strong faith. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and that threw Him our lives were saved. To me that is the strongest faith you could ever have...that's my mustard seed. Faith is finding what God wants you to do...and doing it cause you know it's the right thing.

Anywho that's my two cents...I know you didn't ask for it and for that I apologize. Your blog just sparked a lot of thoughts in my head :)

Good Stuff

Later Days


RFB said...

U arent trying to get out of being the christmas elf are U nerd? (hehe:) I Love You always

Priscilla said...

Another great, thought-provoking blog! :) The five loaves thing got me thinkin back to a sermon I heard at my church a couple weeks ago, where the pastor mentioned in the application part about our gifts/talents and how even though we may feel so inadequate with them - that they're just a 'drop in the ocean' - we still ought to bring them before God and give them all over to Him and trust Him to multiply what we do with our gifts/talents beyond what we can comprehend :) Which is definitely easier said than done at times. I know that for me personally as I come up to another crossroads in my own life with finishing uni and trying to work out where to go and what to do next, I'm goin to make sure to pray about which options to take up and see what doors God chooses to open and close.

Anyways, keep on keeping on with your music ministry! :)

seank said...

Just think about all the people in the Old and New Testamant. Noah, Moses, David, Joseph, the fishermen who became disciples and Paul who claimed to be the worst sinner. It isn't what you have, it is your willingness to do what is asked and do it fully
Psalm 35:5 Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:

6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.